GPSC 2021-22 English Paper Solution [ ENGLISH MEDIUM ] Adv.No: 30/202122


GPSC 2021-22 ESSAY Paper Solution [ ENGLISH MEDIUM ] Adv.No: 30/202122

Question 1: Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum 300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject in the best possible individual style having originality of thought and expression. It must be well-argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with observance of grammar rules.

A] How far do you agree that the Sedition Law needs to be changed?
Suggest possible changes.

The Sedition Law, which criminalizes speech or actions that are perceived to incite hatred or contempt against the government, has been a contentious issue in India for many years. There are arguments both for and against the need for changes to the law.

On one hand, supporters of the Sedition Law argue that it is necessary to maintain law and order and protect national security. They argue that the law is necessary to prevent the incitement of violence and to maintain the integrity of the state. They also argue that the law is necessary to protect the rights of individuals and groups who may be targeted by seditious speech.

On the other hand, critics of the Sedition Law argue that it is outdated and has been used to suppress free speech and silence dissent. They argue that the law is vague and open to abuse, and that it has been used to target political opponents and silence critics of the government. They also argue that the law is not in line with international human rights standards, which protect freedom of expression.

In my opinion, the Sedition Law needs to be changed in order to strike a balance between protecting national security and safeguarding the rights of individuals. One possible change would be to clearly define what constitutes seditious speech or actions. This would provide clarity and prevent abuse of the law. Another possible change would be to limit the scope of the law to only cover speech or actions that incite violence or threaten national security. This would ensure that the law is only used in the most extreme cases and would not be used to silence dissent.

Furthermore, it would be advisable to incorporate the provision of "intent" to commit the crime. There are instances where people have been charged with sedition for expressing their views without the intent to incite violence or hatred. This would ensure that the law is only applied in cases where there is a clear intention to incite violence or hatred.

Additionally, it would be ideal to establish an independent body to oversee the implementation of the law to ensure that it is not being used to suppress free speech and dissent.

B] Express your views on the impacts of extreme automation turbocharged by the Internet of Things and the Industry 4.0.

Extreme automation, turbocharged by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, is a rapidly emerging trend that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. The integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics is enabling machines to perform tasks that were previously done by humans, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. However, the impacts of extreme automation are complex and multifaceted, with both positive and negative implications.

On the positive side, extreme automation is expected to bring about significant economic benefits. It is likely to lead to increased productivity and efficiency, which in turn will boost economic growth. It can also lead to cost savings for businesses, which can be passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices. Additionally, automation can help to improve the quality of products and services, making them more reliable and consistent.

Extreme automation is also expected to have a positive impact on the workforce. Automation will free up workers from performing repetitive, mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex and higher-value tasks that require human creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking. This will help to improve the overall quality of the workforce and lead to higher wages and better working conditions.

On the negative side, extreme automation is also likely to have a significant impact on the workforce. Automation can lead to job displacement, as machines are able to perform tasks more efficiently than humans. This is particularly true for low-skilled jobs that are easily automated. This displacement can lead to unemployment, underemployment, and a decrease in wages for workers who are unable to find new jobs or retrain for new skills.

Another negative impact of extreme automation is the potential for increased inequality. Automation is likely to benefit those who own and control the machines, while exacerbating the plight of those who are displaced by it.

In conclusion, the impacts of extreme automation turbocharged by IoT.

C] National Education Policy - 2020 : Vision and Implementation.

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, recently introduced by the Government of India, is a comprehensive policy that aims to overhaul the country's education system and bring it in line with global standards. The policy lays out a vision for education in India that is centered around fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a spirit of inquiry among students.

One of the key features of the NEP 2020 is the focus on a multidisciplinary approach to learning, with an emphasis on flexibility and choice for students. The policy also aims to increase the use of technology in education and to promote research and innovation in the field. Additionally, the policy aims to increase the overall quality of education by setting up a national accreditation framework and by providing more resources to schools and colleges.

The NEP 2020 also includes measures to improve the overall accessibility of education in the country. This includes increasing the number of schools and colleges, as well as providing more scholarships and financial assistance to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The policy also aims to improve the quality of teacher training and to promote the use of mother-tongue as a medium of instruction.

The implementation of the NEP 2020 will require significant investment and coordination between different levels of government, as well as collaboration with private institutions and organizations. The government has proposed a phased implementation of the policy, with the goal of achieving full implementation by 2030.

Overall, the NEP 2020 represents a bold and ambitious vision for the future of education in India. While implementation may be challenging, if successful, it has the potential to bring India's education system in line with global standards and to provide more opportunities for its citizens.

D] Silence as a way of communication.

Silence can be an incredibly powerful form of communication. In many cultures, silence is seen as a way of showing respect, humility, and attentiveness. For example, in Eastern cultures, long periods of silence during a conversation may be considered a sign of deep thought and contemplation, rather than a lack of interest or engagement.

Silence can also be used to convey a sense of authority or dominance. In a professional setting, for example, a leader who remains silent during a meeting may be communicating that they are in control of the situation and do not feel the need to constantly speak.

Silence can also be used as a way of creating suspense or tension in a situation. In a dramatic scene, for example, a character's decision to remain silent can create a sense of uncertainty about what they are thinking or feeling, making the audience more invested in the story.

Furthermore, silence can also be used as a form of passive resistance or protest. For example, a person who refuses to speak to someone they disagree with may be communicating that they do not wish to engage with that person or that they do not consider them worthy of a response.

In personal relationships, silence can also be a form of communication. For example, a person who remains silent during an argument may be communicating that they are not willing to engage in the argument, or that they need time to process their thoughts and feelings before responding. Additionally, a person who remains silent may be communicating that they are listening, and that they care about what the other person has to say.

Overall, silence is a complex form of communication that can convey a wide range of messages depending on the context. It can be used to show respect, authority, suspense, resistance, or even caring. It's important to recognize that silence can communicate as much as words do and it should be considered as a tool in communication.

E] Do you think that Nuclear War is looming large?

The possibility of a nuclear war is a serious concern for many people around the world. The destructive power of nuclear weapons is unparalleled and the thought of their use in a war is truly terrifying.

There are several reasons why some people believe that a nuclear war may be looming large. One of the main reasons is the increasing tensions between nuclear-armed nations, particularly between the United States and North Korea, and between the United States and Iran. These tensions have escalated in recent years, raising concerns about the possibility of a nuclear conflict.

Another reason why some people believe that a nuclear war may be looming large is the increasing number of countries that possess nuclear weapons. As more countries acquire nuclear weapons, the risk of a nuclear war increases. This is because the more countries that possess nuclear weapons, the more likely it is that one of them will use them in a conflict.

Furthermore, the lack of effective disarmament and nonproliferation efforts, and the modernization of nuclear arsenals by nuclear-armed states, can further increase the risk of a nuclear war.

However, it's also important to note that there are also many efforts being made to prevent a nuclear war from occurring. For example, there are international treaties and agreements in place to limit the spread of nuclear weapons and to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world. Additionally, there are diplomatic efforts being made to resolve conflicts between nuclear-armed nations peacefully.

Overall, while the possibility of a nuclear war is a serious concern, it is not inevitable. There are many efforts being made to prevent a nuclear war from occurring and it's important to continue to support and advocate for these efforts. It's important to acknowledge that the use of nuclear weapons would have devastating consequences for the entire world, and we must all take steps to prevent such a catastrophic event from happening.

GPSC 2021-22 ESSAY Paper Solution [ ENGLISH MEDIUM ] Adv.No: 30/202122

Question 2: As the Director of BRTS Project in Gujarat, you are to monitor the timely completion of the project. Write a letter in about 150 words apprising the Chief Secretary, Government of Gujarat regarding the process achieved by your team in this direction.

Director, BRTS
Project, Gujarat State 
Date: 20/11/2021

Chief Secretary,
Gujarat State

I am writing to update you on the progress of the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) project in Gujarat. I am happy to report that our team has been working diligently to ensure that the project is completed on time and to the highest standards.

We have made significant progress in the past few months, and we are currently on schedule to complete the project on time. Our team has been able to fast-track the construction work and all the necessary permissions have been obtained on time. We have also been able to maintain a high level of quality in the work being done, ensuring that the BRTS infrastructure will be durable and reliable for years to come.

We are also closely monitoring the project's budget and have been able to keep costs under control, without compromising on the quality of the work. Our team is working closely with all stakeholders, including the local community, to ensure that the project is completed with minimal disruption to the local residents.

We are confident that the BRTS project will be a great success and will have a positive impact on the transportation system in Gujarat. We will continue to work hard to ensure that the project is completed on time and to the highest standards.    

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

                                                                                         BRTS Project, Gujarat.

Question 3: Write a letter in about 150 words, to the editor of the newspaper reporting the event of inauguration of Madhuban Dam-based Astol regional water supply project, built at the cost of around INR 586 crore and Nal se Jal project worth INR 163 crore. The project is aimed at improving water supply in the region, boosting connectivity and enhancing ease of living. 

Dear Editor,

I am writing to report the successful inauguration of the Madhuban Dam-based Astol regional water supply project and the Nal se Jal project in our region. These projects, built at a cost of around INR 586 crore and INR 163 crore respectively, are aimed at improving water supply, boosting connectivity, and enhancing ease of living in our region.

The Madhuban Dam-based Astol regional water supply project will provide clean and safe drinking water to over 1,50,000 people in the region, and the Nal se Jal project will provide water to over 50,000 people in the area. These projects will go a long way in addressing the water scarcity issues faced by our region and will greatly improve the quality of life for the people living here.

It is heartening to see the government taking such proactive steps to address the basic needs of the people. We hope that this project will be completed in a timely manner and will be maintained properly to ensure that the benefits reach the intended population. We also hope that such projects will be taken up in other regions to benefit the people.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, ABC

Citizen of Astol Region

Question 4: On June 21st, your university organized an International Conference on the theme Every man is a builder of a temple called his body. As the organizing  secretary of the conference, write a report of the event in about 150 words.

On June 21st, our university successfully organized an International Conference on the theme "Every man is a builder of a temple called his body". The conference brought together experts from various fields including medicine, health, and wellness to discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the role of physical and mental well-being in overall health.

The conference began with an opening address by the university's Vice-Chancellor, followed by keynote speeches from renowned experts in the field. The speeches were followed by panel discussions and interactive sessions, where participants actively engaged in discussions and shared their thoughts and insights on the topic.

The conference was well-attended by participants from various countries, including students, faculty members, and healthcare professionals. The conference provided a platform for the exchange of ideas and best practices in the field of health and wellness, and the attendees greatly benefited from the knowledge and expertise shared by the speakers.

Overall, the conference was a great success and received positive feedback from the attendees. We would like to express our gratitude to all the speakers, participants, and volunteers who made the conference a success. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future to promote health and wellness in our community.

Sincerely, Organizing Secretary. ABC

Question 4: Carefully study the following graph/bar diagram about Government action to tame wheat prices, published in the Times of India, Delhi 15th May, 2022 and write a report in about 150 words.

A graph/bar diagram published in the Times of India, Delhi on May 15th, 2022, shows the Government's action to tame wheat prices. The graph compares the prices of wheat in various states in India and the measures taken by the government to control them.

The graph shows that the prices of wheat have been consistently high in states such as Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. To control these prices, the government has implemented various measures such as increasing the minimum support price (MSP) for wheat, increasing imports, and increasing the buffer stock of wheat.

The graph also shows that these measures have had a positive impact on controlling the prices of wheat in these states. The prices have decreased significantly in states such as Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, which have been facing high wheat prices. However, there is still a need for consistent monitoring and further action to control the prices in the long run.

In conclusion, the graph highlights the efforts taken by the government to tame the wheat prices in India, particularly in states such as Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. The measures taken by the government such as increasing MSP, imports and buffer stock have had a positive impact on controlling the prices. However, there is a need for consistent monitoring and further action to control the prices in the long run.

Question 4: Gujarat International Financial Tec (GIFT) city project is to be inaugurated in Ahmedabad. Draft an inaugural speech in about 150 words to be delivered on this occasion by the Prime Minister of India.

Respected Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to be here today to inaugurate the Gujarat International Financial Tec (GIFT) City project in Ahmedabad. This project is a landmark achievement for Gujarat and for India as a whole, and I am proud to be a part of this historic moment.

The GIFT City project is a visionary initiative, aimed at creating a world-class financial and technology hub in Gujarat. This project will not only boost the economic growth of Gujarat, but also help in the development of the country by attracting global businesses and investment.

The project is not only a symbol of Gujarat's progress but also a representation of India's progress in the financial and technological sector. The GIFT City will provide a platform for businesses to thrive, and for people to work and live in an environment that is at par with the best in the world.

I am confident that this project will serve as a catalyst for the growth and development of Gujarat and India as a whole, and will help us to become a global economic power. I would like to extend my best wishes to all those involved in the project, and I am sure that this project will be a great success.

Thank you.

Jai Hind!

- Prime Minister of India

Question 4: Write a précis of the following passage in about one-third of its original length.

If you ever go to Kanyakumari, remember to pay a visit to the Vivekananda
Rock Memorial, which is a monument of great historical significance.
The memorial stands tall and majestic on the island rock projecting from
the ever-turbulent sea waters. It is a wonderful structure constructed in
memory of Swami Vivekananda’s arrival in Kanyakumari. The great saint and philosopher and icon of the Indian youth Swami Vivekananda visited Kanyakumari in 1892. He stayed on one of the two natural rock projections and meditated deeply before he left for United States to participate in the Parliament of World’s Religions. The memorial which is an initiative of the
Vivekananda Memorial Trust, came into existence in 1970. It is today the
one of the most visited tourist spots thronged by visitors from all over the
world. The memorial is not only a historically prominent landmark, but it is
also an architectural wonder. A true Sanyasi realization was far above the
religion and it was Nation first. In 1962, the people of Kanyakumari formed
a Kanyakumari committee to build a memorial to Swami Vivekananda
on the rock where he meditated. There were many obstacles against the
construction of rock memorial. But in spite of all those, Shri Eknath Ranade
succeeded in constructing the Vivekananda Rock Memorial with the funds
from public, State Governments and Central Government. Kanyakumari is
well-connected with almost all the major cities of Southern India and getting
there is quiet easy. One can choose any mode of transportation – rail, road
or air according to own preferences. Kanyakumari has a railway station and
it is only 1.2 Km from rock memorial Ferry service. The nearest airport is in
Thiruvananthapuram, capital of Kerala, which is at a distance of 86 Km from
Kanyakumari. It is also connected with excellent network of roadways.

ANSWER: The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is a monument in Kanyakumari, India, built in memory of Swami Vivekananda's visit in 1892. He meditated on one of the two natural rock projections before leaving for the United States to participate in the Parliament of World's Religions. The memorial was constructed in 1970 by the Vivekananda Memorial Trust and is now a popular tourist spot. It is an architectural wonder and a historically significant landmark. The memorial was built despite obstacles with funds from the public, state and central government. Kanyakumari is well-connected to major cities in Southern India by rail, road, and air with a railway station and an airport in Thiruvananthapuram.

Question 8: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow:                                                                                                                      (15 x 1 = 15) After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just before a few years of his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to humanity. Originally there were five awards: Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony. Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $ 30,000 to $ 125,000. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards (Gold Medal, Illuminated Diploma and Money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges’ decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare: others have shared their prizes.

After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just before a few years of his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to humanity. Originally there were five awards: Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony. Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $ 30,000 to $ 125,000. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards (Gold Medal, Illuminated Diploma and Money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges’ decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes. No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare: others have shared their prizes.

1. The Nobel Prize was established in order to:

A. recognize worthwhile contribution to mankind B. resolve political differences C. honour the inventor of dynamite. D. spend money

2. It implied that Nobel’s profession was in:

A. Literature B. Medicine C. Economics D. Science

3. In sentence 3, ‘worthwhile’ is closest in meaning to:
A. economic B. prestigious C. trivial D. valuable

4. In how many fields are prizes bestowed?

A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

5. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:

A. Alfred Nobel became rich when he invented dynamite. B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories. C. Alfred Nobel left all his money for a noble cause. D. Alfred Nobel made a great contribution to humanity.

6. Who invented dynamite?
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

7. How is the money required for Nobel awards managed?
The money required for the Nobel awards is managed through a fund created by Alfred Nobel, using the interest earned on the original legacy of nine million dollars.

8. When was the awards presentation ceremony disrupted?
The awards presentation ceremony was disrupted from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II.

9. What are the Nobel awardees presented with?
The Nobel awardees are presented with a Gold Medal, an Illuminated Diploma, and money.

10. Is the selection process for Nobel awards fair and transparent?
The passage does not mention whether the selection process for the Nobel awards is fair and transparent.

11. Who have received most of the awards in science?
Americans have received most of the awards in science.

12. Which contribution of his did Nobel not want to be known for?
Nobel did not want to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite.

13. What has been done with the money originally donated by Nobel?
The money originally donated by Nobel was invested and the interest is used for the awards.

14. Find synonym to “predicted” in the passage.
Synonym for "predicted" in the passage is "foresaw"

15. Find an antonym for “frequent” in the passage.
An antonym for "frequent" in the passage is "annual"

Do as directed: (20 x 1 = 20) Choose the correct answer from the given option and darken (  ) the circle and also write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per sample given below:

1. ________ ninth chapter of the book is very interesting.
This is _______ best book of elementary chemistry. (Fill in the blank with appropriate article)

A. The, the B. The, a C. A, the D. A, a E. None of the above

2. _______ seat was taken. Five boys were seated on _______ bench.
(Fill in the blank with appropriate adjectives)

A. Each, every B. Even, all C. Every, each D. Each, each E. Every, every

3. Identify the correct option conveying positive meaning and is opposed
to none.

A. Few words in earnest will convince him. Few Parsees write Avestan correctly. B. A Few words in earnest will convince him. A Few Parsees write Avestan correctly. C. The Fewer words in earnest will convince him. The Fewer Parsees write Avestan correctly. D. The Fewest words in earnest will convince him. The Fewest Parsees write Avestan correctly. E. The fewer some of words in earnest will convince him. The fewer some of Parsees write Avestan correctly.

4. She _______ in the garden all morning. She _______ medicine for six
months. I _______ long when there was a knock at the door. (Fill in the
blanks with past perfect continuous tense)

A. had being working, have hadn’t being taking, had not been sleeping B. have had being working, being hadn’t taking, had been not sleeping C. been working, have hadn’t been taking, had been unsleeping D. have had working, have had not taking, have had not sleeping E. had been working, had not been taking, hadn’t been sleeping.

5. You _______ a lot of junk food these days. He _______ therefore he is
never satisfied. (Fill in the blanks with present continuous tense)

A. are eating, is always complaining B. ought to be eating, ought to be always complaining C. are being eating, having been always complaining D. might been eating, might been always complaining

6. Identify the correct sentence with correct underlined connecting
words and necessary punctuations.

A. We had an, unusual teacher hence we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult nevertheless, we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased; with our performance in fact he was full of praises.
B. We had an unusual teacher; hence we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult; nevertheless we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance; in fact he was full of praises.
C. We had an unusual teacher hence, we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult nevertheless, we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance; in fact he was full of praises.
D. We had an unusual, teacher hence, we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult nevertheless, we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance, in fact he was full of praises.
E. We had an unusual teacher, hence we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult, nevertheless we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance, in fact he was full of praises.

7. Nothing is more precious than time. She can do no more. None can
run faster than me. (Transform Assertive into Interrogative)

A. Is anything precious than time? Can she do more? Can run he
faster than me?
B. What is more precious than time? Anything more she can do?
Who can run faster than me?
C. Is it precious than time? Is there more can she do? Can anyone
run faster than me?
D. What is more precious than time? What more can she do? Who
can run faster than me?
E. What as precious as time? What can she do more? Who can run

8. They were carrying the sick player off the room as smoke filled the
room. (Turn into passive voice)

A. The sick player was being carried off the room as the room was
filled with smoke.
B. The sick player was carried off the room as the room was filled
with smoke.
C. The sick player was being carried off the room as the room was
filled by smoke.
D. The sick player was carried off the room as the room was filled by
E. None of the above

9. “I’ve got gypsies on my land for two years”, said the farmer, “and
they’ve given nobody any trouble; but now the Council has asked me
to tell them to move on.” (Put into indirect speech)

A. The farmer told that he’d gypsies on his land for two years and
they’d given nobody any trouble but then Council had asked him
to tell them to move on.
B. The farmer said that he’d had gypsies on his land for two years
and they’d given nobody any trouble but the Council had asked
him to tell them to move on.
C. The farmer said that he’d gypsies on his land for two years and
they’d given nobody any trouble but the Council had asked him to
tell them to move on.
D. The farmer told that he’d had gypsies on his land for two years and they’d given nobody any trouble but then Council asked him to tell them to move on. E. The farmer said that he’d had gypsies on his land for two years and they’d had given nobody any trouble but then Council asked him to tell them to move on.

10. To think of our meeting here! Were we sent into the world simply
to make money? How can men die better than facing fearful odds?
(transform into assertive sentences)

A. It is strange that we meet here. We were not sent into the world simply to make money. Men can die better than facing fearful odds. B. It is strange that we meet here. We were sent into the world simply to make money. Men cannot die better than facing fearful odds. C. It is strange that we should meet here. We were sent into the world simply to make money. Men can die better than facing fearful odds. D. It is strange that we could meet here. We were not sent into the world simply to make money. Men cannot die better than facing odds. E. It is strange that we should meet here. We were not sent into the world simply to make money. Men cannot die better than facing fearful odds.

11. He must not be late, or he will be punished. You must either pay the
bills at once or return the goods. We must eat, or we cannot live.
(Transform the compound sentences into simple sentences)

A. In the event if he is late, he will be punished. Failing prompt payment, the goods must be returned by you. We must eat for life. B. In the event of being late, he will be punished. Failing prompt payment, the goods must be returned by you. We must eat to live. C. If being late, he will be punished. In case if failing prompt payment, the goods must be returned by you. We must eat to live. D. In the event of being late, he would be punished. Failing prompt payment, the goods must be returned by you. We must eat for living. E. If being late, he would be punished. Failing prompt payment, the goods must be returned by you. We can eat to live.

12. My aunt lived on _______ ground floor of _______ old house on
_______ River Thames. She was very much afraid of _______ burglars
and always locked up _______ house very carefully before she went to
_______ bed. (insert a a, an, or the, if necessary)

A. the, an, the, the, the, the B. a, the, the, ----, the, the C. the, an, the, ----, the, ---- D. ----, an, the, the, the, ---- E. the, the, ----, the, the, the

13. She was on _______ knees, scrubbing _______ kitchen floor. He was
_______ horrible job; I wouldn’t _______ like to be in _______ shoes.
(insert appropriate determiners, if necessary)

A. her, the, a, ----, his B. the, her, a, him, ---- C. her, the, ----, ----, his D. the, the, ----, ----, my E. her, her, a, ----, the

14. Paul goes _______ school _______ you, doesn’t he? How’s his English
getting ____?

I don’t know. We’re not _______ the same class. But he gets
_______ other students all right. He has heaps _______ friends.
(Supply appropriate prepositions/adverbs, wherever necessary)

A. ______, with in, in, with, of B. to, with, on, in, on, off C. for, by, on, in, with, of D. for, with, in, in, on with, of E. to, with, on, in, on with, of

15. If we say “The manager showed _______ us to our room,” we mean
that he led _______ us _______ the door. If we say “He showed _______
us the room,” we mean that he entered _______ the room _______ us.
(Supply appropriate prepositions/adverbs, wherever necessary)

A. to, ______, to, with, ______, with B. to, ______, to, ______, in, with C. ______, to, to, ______, in, with D. ______, ______, to, ______, ______, with E. ______, in, to, ______, into, with

16. Complete these sentences about the weather with a word from the list:
a. rain; b. sky; c. storm; d. snow; e. sun
1. The _______ was beating down from a clouded sky.
2. The garden was blanketed with thick _______.
3. Outside, the _______ was absolutely bucketing down.
4. By lunchtime the _______ had clouded cover.
5. We sheltered in a barn to wait for the _______ to blow over.

A. 1 – e, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – b, 5 – c B. 1 – e, 2 – b, 3 – c, 4 – d, 5 – a C. 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – c, 4 – a, 5 – e D. 1 – e, 2 – d, 3 – b, 4 – c, 5 – a E. 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – e

17. Complete the phrasal verbs choosing a correct word from the list so that they match the definition: (across, out, back, along, apart)

1. Come find
2. Come separate into pieces
3. Come become known
4. Come arrive at a place
5. Come return

A. out, back, along, across, apart B. apart, along, back, across, out C. across, apart, out, along, back D. along, out, apart, across, back E. along, out, across, apart, back

18. Complete the idioms using the names from the list: (Adam, Bob, Jane,
Tom, Jack)
1. They don’t give out awards to just any old _______, Dick or Harry.
2. To do this job you have to be a _______ of all trades.
3. She was a plain _______ at school who reinvented herself when
she went to drama school.
4. She didn’t know me from _______, but she was still very helpful.
5. Just add the sounds and special effects and _______’s your uncle.

A. 1 – Bob, 2 – Jack, 3 – Tom, 4 – Jane, 5 – Adam B. 1 – Tom, 2 – Jack, 3 – Jane, 4 – Adam, 5 – Bob C. 1 – Tom, 2 – Jane, 3 – Jack, 4 – Adam, 5 – Bob D. 1 – Bob, 2 – Jack, 3 – Jane, 4 – Adam, 5 – Tom E. 1 – Tom, 2 – Adam, 3 – Jane, 4 – Jack, 5 – Bob

19. Identify the terms that defines “The act of judging a case, competition,
or argument, or of making a formal decision about something”.

A. Jurisdiction
B. Adjudication C. Legislation
D. Decision E. Adjournment

20. Which of the following words is an antonym of ‘recession’:

A. Triviality
B. Headway C. Brunette
D. Blasphemy E. Profusion

10. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English.

ભારતમાં ઘણા જૂના સમયમાં પ્રજાસત્ાક સ્્વરૂપનું શાસન હતું. કેટલાંક ગણરાજ્યયો ઈ.સ. ચયોથા સૈકા સુધી અસ્સ્તત્્વમાં હતાં. બૌદ્ધ અને જૈન ઐતતહાતસક નોંધયોમાં અને સંસ્્કકૃત મહાકાવ્યયો અને રાજકીય ગ્ંથયોમાં આનું તનતચિત રૂપે પ્રમાણ મળે છે. ભારતને લગતા તથા તસકંદરનાં પરાક્રમયોને લગતા ગ્ીક અને લેટટન સાટહત્યગ્ંથયોમાં પણ ભારતનાં ગણરાજ્યયોના ઉલ્લેખયો આ્વે છે.્વૈ ટદક સમય દરમ્યાન કેટલાંક ગણરાજ્યયોનું અસ્સ્તત્્વ હતું. એ રાજ્યયોનું મહાભારતમાં “અજેય” રાજ્યયો રૂપે ્વણ્ણન આ્વે છે. જેમાં સમાનતાના તનયમયોનું પાલન થતું હતું. બૌદ્ધ સમય દરમ્યાનના ગણરાજ્યયોનયો ત્વગત્વાર અહે્વાલ પ્રાપ્ય છે. એ સમયે શાક્ય અને ત્વજ્જિયન ગણરાજ્યયો પૂ્વ્ણ ભારતમાં સૌથી મહત્્વનાં હતાં. શાક્ય ગણરાજ્ય કદમાં નાનું હતું, તયો ્વજ્જી રાજ્યસંઘનયો ત્વસ્તાર ઘણયો મયોટયો હતયો અને તેમાં બીજાં આઠ રાજ્યયોના પ્રદેશયોનયો સમા્વેશ થતયો હતયો. “શાક્ય ગણરાજ્યમાં ન્યાયતંત્ર અને ્વહી્વટને લગતાં કાયયો જાહેર સભામાં થતાં હતાં અને તેમાં યુ્વાનયો તેમ જ ?કૃદ્ધયો બંને હાજર રહેતા. એક સરદારને સભાની બેઠકયોમાં પ્રમુખસ્થાન લે્વા માટે અને બેઠક ચાલુ ન હયોય તયો રાજ્યનયો ્વહી્વટ સંભાળ્વા માટે ચૂંટી કાઢ્વામાં આ્વતયો હતયો.”
પાછળથી ઉત્ર, મધ્ય અને પતચિમ ભારતમાં બળ્વાન લશ્કરી ગણરાજ્યયો અસ્સ્તત્્વમાં આવ્યાં. અરાત્ા, ક્ૂદ્રક, ખતત્ય અને માળ્વા આમાંનાં ્વધારે મહત્્વના ગણરાજ્યયો હતાં અને ઈ.સ. પૂ્વવે 326માં પંજાબ અને તસંધ પરની ચઢાઈ દરમ્યાન તસકંદરે આ રાજ્યયોની સામે લડ?ું પડ્યું હતું. ઇ.સ. પૂ્વવે ચયોથા સૈકાનાં પાછળનાં ્વર્યોમાં એ ગણરાજ્યયોમાંથી મયોટા ભાગનાં રાજ્યયોનું અસ્સ્તત્્વ હતું અને કૌટટલ્યે પયોતાના અથ્ણશાસ્ત્રમાં તેનયો ઉલ્લેખ કરેલયો છે. પરંતુ ચંદ્રગુપ્તે પ્રથમ મયોટા સામ્ાજ્યની સ્થાપના કરી તે પછી ગણરાજ્યયોનયો તત્કાળ અંત આવ્યયો.
India had a republican form of government in ancient times. Some republics
Is. Chayotha was non-existent till Saika. In Buddhist and Jain historical records and Sanskrit This is critically evidenced in epics and political treatises. Regarding India And also in the Geek and Layton sagas about the Tashkent exploits of India. The mentions of the republics are as follows. Several republics did not exist during the White Age. of those states in the Mahabharata They are known as “invincible” states. In which the principles of equality were followed. Tvagatvar reports are available for republics during the Buddhist period. At that time Shakya And the Tvajjian republics were the most important in ancient India. Sakya Republic in size was small, the Vajji Rajya Sanghnayo Tvstar was several miles long and eight other States' territories were convened. “The Judiciary and the Executive in the Shakya Republic The related activities were held in public meetings and attended by both youth and adults. A Sardar is allowed to preside over the meetings of the Assembly and the meeting does not continue State governors were involved in electing to hold the election.” Later strong military republics emerged in northern, central and western India came Arata, Kudrak, Khatya and Malwa were the most important republics among these. And in AD During the invasion of Punjab and Tsandh in 326 BC, Tashkent conquered these kingdoms Had to fight against. Is. Of those republics in the later years of the ancient Chayotha Saika The kingdoms of the Myota part did not exist and are mentioned in the ethnology of Kauttalya Payota. done But after Chandragupta founded the first Mayota Samajya, the republic was established It ended immediately.

In conclusion, to solve the problem of post-related English language paper, a comprehensive approach is needed.

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