GPSC Mains 2023: Geography 2 - A comprehensive guide to previous year questions and answers


1. Mention the major inland waterways of India and explain their importance in national development.

Introduction: Importance of inland waterways in India's economic development
Inland waterways in India are an important mode of transportation and play a crucial role in the country's economic development. The major inland waterways in India include the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) system, the Brahmani-Mahanadi system, the Godavari-Krishna system, and the Cauvery-Vaigai system.

Major Inland Waterways:
  1. Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system
  2. Brahmani-Mahanadi system
  3. Godavari-Krishna system
  4. Cauvery-Vaigai system

The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system is the largest and most important of all the inland waterways in India. It stretches from the Himalayas in the north to the Bay of Bengal in the south and is used for transportation of goods and passengers. This waterway also provides a means for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation.

The Brahmani-Mahanadi system is another important waterway in India, which flows through the states of Odisha and Chhattisgarh. It is used for transportation of goods and also for irrigation and power generation.

The Godavari-Krishna system is a major waterway in the southern part of India and is used for transportation of goods and passengers. It also provides a means for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation.

The Cauvery-Vaigai system is a major waterway in the southern part of India, which flows through the states of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. It is mainly used for transportation of goods and also for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation.

Significance of inland waterways in transportation, irrigation and power generation.
In conclusion, the major inland waterways in India, such as the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Brahmani-Mahanadi, Godavari-Krishna and Cauvery-Vaigai systems, are not only important for transportation of goods and passengers but also play a vital role in irrigation and power generation, thus making a significant impact on the economic development of the country.

2. Discuss in detail the characteristic features of the various Agro-Climatic Regions of Gujarat.

Gujarat is a state located in the western part of India and is known for its diverse agro-climatic regions. These regions vary in terms of soil type, rainfall, temperature, and other factors, which in turn affect the types of crops that can be grown in each region.

Agro-Climatic Region 1: Kachchh and Saurashtra

Characterized by low rainfall and arid conditions
Main crops grown include cotton, groundnut, and pearl millet
Soil type is mostly sandy and saline

Agro-Climatic Region 2: North Gujarat

Characterized by moderate rainfall and a semi-arid climate
Main crops grown include cotton, groundnut, and wheat
Soil type is mostly black, clayey, and loamy

Agro-Climatic Region 3: South Gujarat

Characterized by high rainfall and a humid climate
Main crops grown include rice, sugarcane, and coconut
Soil type is mostly alluvial and clayey

Agro-Climatic Region 4: Central Gujarat

Characterized by moderate rainfall and a semi-arid climate
Main crops grown include cotton, groundnut, and wheat
Soil type is mostly black, clayey, and loamy

Agro-Climatic Region 5: East Gujarat

Characterized by moderate rainfall and a semi-arid climate
Main crops grown include cotton, groundnut, and wheat
Soil type is mostly black, clayey, and loamy


In conclusion, Gujarat is a state with diverse agro-climatic regions, each with its own unique characteristics that affect the types of crops that can be grown. The five major agro-climatic regions of Gujarat are Kachchh and Saurashtra, North Gujarat, South Gujarat, Central Gujarat and East Gujarat, which vary in terms of rainfall, temperature, soil type and other factors. Understanding these characteristics is important for developing sustainable agricultural practices and for the effective management of the state's agricultural resources.

3. Discuss the conditions required for coral growth with special reference to Coastal


Coral reefs are important ecosystems in coastal areas, providing habitat for a diverse array of marine life and protecting coastlines from erosion and storms. The growth and survival of coral reefs depend on a variety of environmental conditions, including water temperature, salinity, light, and water chemistry.

The Gulf of Kachchh and Gulf of Khambhat, located in coastal Gujarat, are known for their rich coral reef ecosystems. These coral reefs are mostly composed of hard corals, such as Acropora and Porites, and provide habitat for a wide variety of marine life, including fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. The coral reefs in these areas are particularly important for the local fishery industry and for protecting coastlines from erosion and storms. However, coral reefs in Gujarat are facing several threats, such as pollution, overfishing, and climate change, which could negatively impact their growth and survival. It is important to take measures to protect and conserve these valuable ecosystems for the ecological, economic and social benefits they provide.

Conditions for coral growth:

Water Temperature: Coral reefs require warm water temperatures between 25-29°C for optimal growth. In Gujarat, the water temperature is generally suitable for coral growth, with temperatures in the Gulf of Kachchh and Gulf of Khambhat ranging from 25-28°C.

Salinity: Coral reefs require a specific range of salinity, between 30-40 ppt, for optimal growth. Gujarat's coastal waters have a relatively stable salinity range, between 33-38 ppt, which is suitable for coral growth.

Light: Coral reefs require a certain amount of light for photosynthesis and growth. In Gujarat, the coral reefs are located in shallow waters, which receive sufficient light for growth.

Water Chemistry: Coral reefs require specific levels of pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients for growth. The coastal waters of Gujarat have a suitable range of pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient levels for coral growth.

Pollution: Coral reefs are sensitive to pollution, especially excess nutrients and sedimentation. Gujarat's coastal waters are relatively free of pollution, which is favourable for coral growth.

In conclusion, the coastal waters of Gujarat have the suitable conditions for coral growth, with warm water temperatures, suitable salinity, sufficient light, suitable water chemistry, and low pollution levels. However, coral reefs are sensitive to changes in the environment, and it is essential to maintain these conditions to ensure the survival and growth of coral reefs in Gujarat.

4. Discuss the demographic changes that have taken place within Gujarat in the last four to five decades and analyze its socio-economic impacts.


Gujarat is a state located in the western part of India and has undergone significant demographic changes in the last four to five decades. These changes have had both positive and negative impacts on the state's socio-economic development.

Population Growth:
One of the most significant demographic changes in Gujarat has been the steady increase in population. According to the 2011 Census, the state's population has grown by around 27% since the 2001 Census. This population growth has put pressure on the state's resources, such as land, water, and infrastructure, and has led to increased competition for jobs and housing.

Another major demographic change in Gujarat has been the rapid urbanization of the state. According to the 2011 Census, around 42% of Gujarat's population lives in urban areas, up from 34% in 2001. This urbanization has led to the development of new cities and towns and has brought about economic development and employment opportunities. However, it has also led to issues such as overcrowding, traffic congestion, and environmental degradation.

Gujarat has also seen a significant influx of migrants from other states in recent years. This migration has been driven by factors such as employment opportunities, educational opportunities, and better living conditions. However, it has also led to social and cultural conflicts and has put pressure on the state's resources and infrastructure.

Socio-Economic Impact:
The demographic changes in Gujarat have had a significant impact on the state's socio-economic development. The population growth and urbanization have led to increased economic development and employment opportunities, but have also led to issues such as overcrowding and environmental degradation. The influx of migrants has also brought about economic development and employment opportunities, but has also led to social and cultural conflicts. Overall, it is important for the state to address these demographic changes and their impacts in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development.

In conclusion, Gujarat has undergone significant demographic changes in the last four to five decades, including population growth, urbanization, and migration. These changes have had both positive and negative impacts on the state's socio-economic development and it is important for the state to address these impacts in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development.

Thank you for reading through this blog, where we have discussed various topics related to Gujarat, including its major inland waterways, agro-climatic regions, coral growth, and demographic changes. We hope that this information has been informative and useful for you.

It's important to note that Gujarat is a diverse state with a rich history and culture, and its development and progress are vital for the country's overall growth. The major inland waterways, agro-climatic regions, coral growth, and demographic changes, all have their own importance in the state's development. The state's inland waterways are an important mode of transportation and have the potential to boost the state's economy. Gujarat's agro-climatic regions are diverse, each with its own unique characteristics, which are important for the agricultural sector. Coral reefs are important ecosystems that provide habitat for a diverse array of marine life and protect coastlines from erosion and storms. The demographic changes that have taken place in Gujarat in the last four to five decades have had both positive and negative impacts on the state's socio-economic development.

We hope that this blog has provided you with a better understanding of the state of Gujarat and its various aspects. It is important for the state to address the impacts of these changes in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development.

Thank you for reading this blog, and we hope you found it informative and enlightening.

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